Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tips to help you fall asleep, and stay asleep!

Despite what some people say most of us need 7.5 to 8 hours sleep a night.

A really basic health & wellness tip: Get adequate sleep (sleep until you're done sleeping.) This may involve changing your routine, but less stress and better health may be worth it. Getting a decent mattress may help a lot. You spend around 8 hours a day on that thing, and only a couple in your car. Isn't your bed worth a few extra dollars?

If you don’t sleep enough you will build up a sleep debt. A night every now and then is fine. You just sleep a little longer one of the following days and you’ve “paid back” your debt.

But if you sleep less than you need on a regular basis you will get sleep deprived.

A study during the 80's showed that poor sleepers (who slept 5-7 hours a night):

-had fewer promotions during their careers.
-were more likely to be hospitalized.
-stayed on lower pay grades.
-had a higher attrition rate.

But for many it is hard to fall asleep at night. What use is it to go to bed on time it you are not able to sleep?

Not being able to fall asleep can be very frustrating and it can potentially turn into a serious problem. So before that happens have a look a your evening routines and read this list.

15 Tips To Help You Fall Asleep:

1. Get up at the same time every morning. It is important to keep a regular sleep schedule.

2. Reserve the bedroom for intimacy and sleep. Don’t watch TV, eat, talk on the phone etc.

3. Don’t lie awake in bed for too long. There is no use lying in bed tossing and turning. Instead get up. Do a quite activity like reading and drink some relaxing herbal tea or eat a handful of walnuts,(You'll be giving yourself a boost of fiber and essential fatty acids along with the amino acid tryptophan -- a natural sleep-inducer.)that will help you fall asleep.

4. Make sure your bedroom is quiet. Noise makes it very hard to fall asleep. Limit it as much as you can. If needed, use earplugs.

5. Keep your bedroom dark. Use good curtains to block out light. Darker bedroom = better sleep.

6. Love your bed. Your bed should be comfortable and cozy.

7. Keep your bedroom cool and well ventilated. Most people sllep more comfortably in a room set at a cooler than normal temperature.

8. Limit caffeine. It think everyone knows that caffeine makes you more alert.

9. Exercise on a regular basis.

10. Stop smoking. Nicotine is a nervous system stimulant. It speeds up your heart, brain and blood pressure.

11. Avoid naps. If you have trouble falling asleep at night avoid napping in the afternoon.

12. Keep your bedroom clean. A nice uncluttered bedroom will make it a much easier to relax.

13. Limit alcohol. A night cap is not at all a good idea. You might feel more relaxed with some alcohol but it disturbs your sleep.

14. Eat healthy foods on a regular basis.

15. Sprinkle just-washed sheets and pillowcases with lavender water, or use a lavender scented lotion on your hands. The scent has been shown in studies to promote relaxation, which can lead to better sleep.

Let me know which of the above tips works best for you.

I look forward to your comments!

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